Home Ryan Smoluk Paintings Sculpture Testimonials Investment Contact


Invest in a brilliant young artist's future

Contact Ryan by mail, phone, or email to inquire about purchasing one or more of the various paintings found on his website. You can also request a quote for a commissioned original painting or sculpture by Ryan Smoluk.

Click on the small images at right to view the artwork in a larger format.

Jet Shark

Circular Dragon

Alien Angel

The Lion

Illumination Crystals

Dragon's Head

Pyramid of Time

Kurgan Skull


Ancient Fowl


Tyrannosaurus Rex

CONTACT (1-204) 257-8884 (phone or fax) • vasmoluk@mts.netryansmoluk.ca • PO BOX 198, 23-845 Dakota Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 5M3 Canada

All the paintings and sculpture artwork
images found on this website were
by and belong to Ryan Smoluk and are
protected under the Copyright Act.

Ryan Smoluk's website: ryansmoluk.ca was designed and is maintained by
KINDLE DESIGN Illuminating Ideas • design@kguy.cakindledesign.ca

Kindle Design